Grasston, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table provides information about the Population & Steets in a given area. You can use this information to determine how many people live in the Grasston area. The city is located in Minnesota. Grasston has a total population of 223 people. The median household income is $47,321, and the unemployment rate is 3.13%. The median age for residents is 36.5 years old.

The population of Grasston is comprised of mostly white and older residents. The median family income is $61,206, slightly lower than the national average of $70,000, although this number is misleading because some American families make $50 million or more each year. The median household income in the United States is around $50,000. Therefore, this city is a good place for families to live. However, if you are not sure where to live, check out the nearby cities.

The population of Grasston, MN is made up of 188 White (non-Hispanic) residents and 0 Black or African American residents. That makes up 0% of the population. If you want to compare the ethnicity of residents in Grasston, MN, you can look at the following chart. You can also view the percentage of people of various races in Grasston, MN.

Grasston has a diverse population, with racial makeup varying widely across the city. Approximately 60 percent of the city's residents identify as White, and the rest are either German or Swedish. French Canadian citizens make up 2.6% of the population. There are also several different languages spoken in Grasston. It is important to note that there are few people who speak Polish, which is not an official language.