Grygla, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In 2019, the population of Grygla was 185. Approximately 0.0% of the city's population is Black, while 0.1% are Hispanic or Latino and 1.1% are American Indians or Alaska Natives. Other races make up the rest of the city's population: 98.9% of residents identify as a non-white race. As far as the state of its economy goes, Grygla ranks fifth out of 186 U.S. cities.

The United States Census Bureau provides statistics on the population of a city by race. People in Grygla belong to a variety of races. The largest percentages are White and Black. The percentages of people who identify as American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander are small. However, Hispanics make up 17.8% of the population and 2.6% of residents identify as other races. The American census asks respondents to report their ancestry. German, English, and Norwegian are the most common ancestries. However, Czechoslovak and Finnish ancestry are the most concentrated.

The median property value in Grygla was $58,500. The homeownership rate was 68.2%, and the median household cost was $88,400. Residents tended to drive their vehicles to work, and the average car ownership was two. The median home appreciation in Grygla City over the last ten years was 5.1%. It is important to note that the median home price is slightly higher than the city's median property value.