Halma, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Do you want to know the Population & Steets of Halma City? The city is located in Minnesota. The population of Halma is about 10 people. This is a low population density, but the area does have a high concentration of industries. Manufacturing, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Educational Services are the most common industries in Halma. The median household income is $31,250, and the median sex-based wage disparity is 1.3.

In Halma, MN, the median property value was $37,100. This is $0.154 times lower than the national average of $240,500. Property values increased N/A in Halma from N/A to 2018. The homeownership rate in Halma was 100%, which is higher than the national average of 64.8%. The average commute time for people living in Halma was 25.5 minutes. The average number of people living in Halma owned 2 cars, and the gender makeup was 50.8% male and 49.2% female.

The racial composition of the population of Halma is 0% Hispanic, 0 Black or African American, and 31 White (non-Hispanic). The poverty level in Halma, MN is $31,250 for every 100-person family. The median household income was $42,917 in 2009. The median income of the entire household fell to $31,250 in 2019.