If you're looking for information on the population and steets of Henning City, Tennessee, you've come to the right place. The city of Henning is home to about 7,000 people, which is half the population of the entire state of Minnesota. There are several nearby cities and towns that can provide you with more information. Just make sure to use the list provided below to help you get started.
The population of Henning is 806 people, which is average for a city of its size. The average commute time is 21.6 minutes, and the median home value is $198,400. The home appreciation for the last 10 years has been around 4.6%, which makes the Henning area a good place to move to. There are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a neighborhood in Henning.
The median property value in Henning, TN is $67,800, which is approximately one thousand dollars less than the national average. The homeownership rate is 47.3%, which is below average. In Henning, TN, most people drive to work alone. The average commute time is 22.9 minutes, and the average car ownership rate is one per household. The median age of Henning, TN is 41.3 years old, and 0% of its residents are foreign-born.
The poverty level in Henning, TN is $45,164 for males and $36,400 for females. In addition, males in this community have a higher income than females do, earning an average of $45,164 a year. Despite this, income inequality is still low at 0.465. Currently, the average salary in Henning is $66,250, with the median rent being six hundred forty-five dollars a month.