Kasson, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics in Kasson City? In Kasson, there are roughly 2,980 residents and only 62 people who commute by car, trolley bus, or ferry boat. The population of the city is also made up of non-citizens, which includes both legal permanent residents and international students. In addition, about 83 percent of the population is high school educated. However, you shouldn't assume that all of these numbers are correct.

Population & Steets in Kassion City

Kasson is known for its annual Festival in the Park celebration, which is a volunteer-organized event that celebrates the history and heritage of the town. It is a great way to bring the community together to celebrate Kasson's culture. The event began in 1991, and it features many traditional events, including a fireworks display, the selection of a Miss Kasson, and a bellyflop contest. It takes place on the second weekend in August.

The population of Kasson City is fairly evenly split. Thirty-one percent of residents were under the age of eighteen, whereas 28.7% were between the ages of 25 and 44. Twenty-one percent of households were made up of people who were not a family, while 11.3% of the population was 65 years old or older. As far as gender breakdown goes, the city is overwhelmingly male with 49.7% of its residents being 18 or older.