Kimball, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The median property value in Kimball, Nebraska is $78,200, which is about 0.325 times smaller than the national average. However, it has increased since the last census, from $78,000 to $78,200. Moreover, the homeownership rate in Kimball, Nebraska is 61.5%, and the median household income is $36,519, which is slightly above the state average of $48,143. The median age in Kimball is 38 years old, and the average household income is $48,143. The population is mostly educated, with a high school graduation rate of 78%.

The climate of Kimball varies depending on the area. On average, there are nine hours and 11 minutes of daylight, with the shortest day ending at 8:31 p.m. In Kimball, Nebraska, the longest day lasts 15 hours, while the shortest day is five hours and forty-nine minutes long. Therefore, the climate in Kimball is cold but variable. The city has many seasons and is influenced by the chinook winds.

A high vacancy rate can be dangerous if you're thinking of purchasing a home in Kimball City. The median price for residential real estate in Kimball City is $1,211,070, which is higher than 99.6% of U.S. neighborhoods. Moreover, most of the residential real estate in Kimball City is seasonally occupied, which can signal that the owner is abandoning the property.