Lake Benton, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you looking for population & steets information for Lake Benton City? If so, you've come to the right place. Here's everything you need to know about Lake Benton City, Minnesota. The following information provides a quick snapshot of the population, as well as demographics. If you're considering moving to Lake Benton City, MN, you'll want to consider the following facts.

To find out how many people live in Lake Benton City, check out the area's labor force. The population's labor force statistics include both civilians and members of the armed forces. To be classified as unemployed, someone must be actively looking for work. Students, homemakers, seasonal workers, and institutionalized people aren't included. The city has a low labor force participation rate, meaning that 36% of residents don't have a job.

The average Lake Benton, MN household earns $41,250 per year. This is less than the national average, but still significantly lower than the average income in the United States. There are 341 people working in the Lake Benton area. The most common industries are Manufacturing (58 people), Health Care & Social Assistance (43 people), and Retail Trade. Utilities and Finance & Insurance are the highest paying industries in the area, paying residents an average of $76,668 per year.

The City of Lake Benton, MN has 683 residents, or 338 households and 177 families. The median age was 47 years. The majority of households are made up of married couples, with only 5.7% of households being headed by a female householder living alone. The median household size in the city was 2.09 and a family of two, or a family of three. The city's median income was $55,500, with a family of three members in the household.