Lake Wilson, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for information about the population and steets of Lake Wilson City, MN, then you've come to the right place. Read on to learn more about the community. The following are just a few statistics about the area. Besides the median home price, you can find out what the crime rate is in this city. You can also view the school district's performance by reading the City's census data.

The population of Lake Wilson City is roughly 8,000 people. The median age was 51.2, and the percentage of residents who were under the age of eighteen was 4.9%. The average household size was 2.71 people, with more than half of the population employed in white-collar positions. Approximately forty-five percent of the population was employed in blue-collar jobs, while the rest was employed in service industries. There were also nearly 18.5 males for every 100 females in the city.

The community is proud of its thriving economy and many local businesses. The City is home to the Wilson Arts facility, which was renovated for $2.1 million. A pledge of $500,000 from BB&T matched the amount of money that was already put aside for the project. Additional funding came from private donors, including the Robert P. Holding Foundation and the Wilson City Council. This beautiful facility includes a 5,000 square-foot exhibition area, classrooms, and a cafeteria. The city also leases the Boykin Center for Performing Arts.