Little Falls, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Demographics of Little Falls City? You may want to compare the city to nearby neighborhoods to see how the demographics of both compare. You can find the number of people living in each neighborhood, as well as their ages and race. The data you see below is updated as new data becomes available. This information is based on the most recent American Community Survey data. While we strive to provide accurate information, we cannot guarantee that the data shown is up-to-date.

The population of Little Falls City is approximately 46,000. The city was incorporated in 1871 and is located on the Mississippi River. The town developed around a series of dams. In the nineteenth century, the dams were used to power sawmills. Today, the dam serves as a hydroelectric station that generates power for the area. The city is serviced by U.S. Highway 10 as well as Minnesota State Highways 27 and 371.

The census estimates that Little Falls had a population of 4,946 at the end of 2010 are somewhat low. The town has a single zip code and an area code of 97. It is located about 62 miles west of Albany. If you are looking for a small town, consider a visit to Little Falls. The town has a diverse population and a rich history. The city is home to many cultural institutions, including a museum, a historic downtown, and a popular tourist destination.