New Ulm, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of New Ulm City? There are two versions of this article: the optimistic estimate shows 61 new residents and the pessimistic estimate shows 195 more lost. The most accurate estimate comes from the State Demographer. In this article, we will examine the most recent data for both population and steets. The housing stock has grown in the city.

The Housing Market Study was updated by Community Partners Research, Inc. in February 2012, and the recommendations were extended five years, to 2021. The study reflects the available data and solutions, and a best guess of future trends. The findings may change if the economy or other factors in the area change. The data is updated frequently. Please consult the most recent report before making decisions about the future of your neighborhood.

Households in New Ulm City are estimated to be about 5,698 according to the American Community Survey. The State Demographer had estimated 5,900 households. This means that there are approximately 202 fewer households than the census reported. The number of owner households decreased by 115 from 2010 to 2015. The number of renter households increased by 81. The income level of households is generally higher when a household owns a home.

According to the 2010 Census, the population of New Ulm was predominantly White and non-Hispanic/Latino. While the percentage of non-Hispanic/Latino residents has increased, the demographic makeup of New Ulm is still mostly white. The city's age distribution is more consistent with other sources. The age-based 2016 estimates are compared to the distribution of the population at the 2010 Census.