Pierz, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you interested in learning more about the Population & Steets in Pierez City? Here are some facts and statistics to help you. The population of Pierz is 1,364 people. This number has increased 7.7% since the year 2020. The average commute time is 26.4 minutes, while the median home price is $167,400. Home prices in Pierz are up 7.3% in the last decade.

If you are planning a road trip to explore the surrounding area, consider checking out the towns nearby. The cities listed below are within 100 miles or less of Pierz, MN. If you'd prefer to visit a larger city, try looking for one within 50 miles or less than 30 miles. You'll find many interesting places to visit in this small community. Once you've found the place you'd like to visit, make sure to visit them!

There are various statistics to consider when making your decision. While the poverty rate in Pierz is significantly lower than in other places, you may want to consider the median gross monthly income. In Minnesota, it's 10.1%. That's quite high compared to other states, such as Minnesota. The median home value in Pierz is $53,281.

The ZIP Code for PIERZ is 56364. It belongs to the Multi-counties group. Its first digit designates the area, ranging from the Northeast to the far West. The next three or four digits are the postal code's extension, which is usually the last four digits. You'll need the four-digit extension to find the street address of a specific house in Pierz.