Pipestone, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The following table lists the median age for residents of Pipestone City, MN. This figure is based on Census Bureau data. The median age in Pipestone is lower than the national average of 46.8 years, but is higher than the state average of 25.9 years. The median age for foreign-born residents is lower than the state average, at 11.6%. Likewise, residents of Pipestone are older than the median age for people in their own racial group.

Pipestone is a historical town in Minnesota. The city was first settled in 1876, when Daniel Sweet and Charles Bennett were interested in the area. The community survived blizzards, prairie fires, droughts, and grasshoppers to become an important travel center for southwestern Minnesota. In 1881, the town was incorporated as a village.

The West area of Pipestone City has a low vacancy rate (around 12.6%), which is above the national average of 7.0%. This area has a high proportion of lower-middle-income residents, with 22.0% of residents living below the federal poverty line. This is a higher rate than most U.S. neighborhoods, and it indicates that the local economy is slowing down.

There are a variety of resources available for those who are looking to live in Pipestone City. For example, the Pipestone Home Initiative provides incentives for new housing, while the Pipestone Rural Housing Service provides information and resources for home repair.