Roseau, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

In Roseau City, Minnesota, the population is made up of a diverse mix of people. The most prevalent racial and ethnic group is White, followed by Hispanic and Native American. While the total number of residents is small, it's worth noting that the number of people living in poverty in Roseau, MN is significantly higher than the national average. For example, compared to the national average, approximately 2.3% of residents in Roseau are hispanic. The median property value in Roseau is $137,300. The median property value in Roseau, MN is 0.571 times less than the national average. As a result, the population of Roseau is mainly made up of white people. Also, the majority of residents are white. The median income is $137,300, and the homeownership rate is 64.7%

Other notable people born in the city of Roseau include NBA basketball player Garth Joseph, a native of Roseau. The city is also home to Dame Mary Eugenia Charles, the first woman prime minister of the Caribbean, and Clarissa Burton Cumbo, a New York arts patron. Other notable residents of Roseau include Gordon Henderson, lead singer of the cadence-lypso band Exile One.

In the central district of Roseau, few people live, and more people commute to the central district. The influx of motorized vehicles has introduced point-to-point interaction to the central district. Local elders say that there were no streets in Roseau when the city was first constructed. Today, streets serve as social meeting spaces, gardens, and playing fields. The Botanical Gardens are mostly used by children.