Sabin, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

A census of the population of Sabin, Minnesota, USA, estimates that the population will reach 549 in 2020. The median income for households in Sabin, MN is $86,583 compared to the average of $65,712 for the United States. Since the 2010 census, the population has grown by 4.77%. The median household income in Sabin is $106,471 while the poverty rate is 2.21%. The median price of a house in Sabin is $186,500. The median age for residents is 31.7 years old for males and 29.8 years old for females.

The median property value in Sabin, MN is $184,700, which is 0.768 times smaller than the national average. Homeownership is 96.6%. Most residents commute alone to work. The average commute time for Sabin residents is 17.5 minutes. There are two cars per household in Sabin, MN. Overall, there are 622 residents living in Sabin. Residents live in homes that are on average two stories, with a two-car-family household.

The median age in Sabin is 31.2 years. There are 8.2% of residents who are under the age of 18. Another 8.2% of households live in Sabin and work from home. The median household income in Sabin is $7,030. This is lower than the national average, but it is still higher than the national average. Sabin is a good place to live if you are looking for a place to retire.