Twin Valley, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking for population and steets information in Twin Valley City, MN, you've come to the right place. This article contains data on Twin Valley's population, housing market, and schools. If you're interested in living in Twin Valley, Minnesota, you'll find that its median property value is $65,000, which is the same as the national average. The average commute time for Twin Valley, MN residents is 22.7 minutes.

The population of Twin Valley is 79% married, with 21% of the total working age being under twenty-five. Twenty-two percent of the workforce is made up of Baby Boomers, with Millennials making up the other 20%. Seventy-one percent of the Twin Valley population is home-based, with 71% of households being occupied. And, despite the city's small size, it's easy to find the right home in Twin Valley.

The median age of residents was 46.8, and the majority of households were made up of married couples. About forty-three percent were non-families, and one-fifth were senior citizens. Males outnumbered females eight-to-one in the city, and there were only six households with two children. The city's median income was $17,478 per capita, or $5,600/per person.

The poverty rate in Twin Valley is higher than the national average, with a higher percentage of people living in poverty. While this area is not as wealthy as many of its surrounding suburbs, it does have lower crime rates and a more affluent population than the rest of Minnesota. However, there are still many ways to improve the city's economic status. Consider the demographic data that's available in Twin Valley and make the right decision for your family.