Vesta, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Are you wondering what is the Population & Steets of Vesta City, Minnesota? If so, you have come to the right place. This article will help you discover all of the vital information you need to know about Vesta, MN. You'll find out where to live, what's around, and more. This city has plenty to offer residents and travelers alike. So, check it out and make your move today!

The most common racial groups in Vesta, MN are White, Black, and Native American. These groups all hold Bachelor's degrees, but the most common income is $47,600. In terms of STEM degrees, the average Vesta resident has a degree in one of these fields. And, as a result, it is no surprise that the population of Vesta, Minnesota is quite highly educated.

If you're curious about the crime rate in Vesta City, there are several factors to consider. First of all, the crime rate in Vesta is relatively low when compared to the other areas of the city. While it is not intuitive, the crime rate in east Vesta is higher than that of west Vesta. This fact should give you some perspective on what is happening in Vesta City. And, as we know, crime is where people congregate.

In 2019, the median property value in Vesta, MN was $67,100, which is 0.27x less than the national average. The median home ownership rate in Vesta, MN is 87.7%, which is higher than the national average of 64.1%. In addition, the median age of the population was 35 years old. Almost all of the city's residents are U.S. citizens, with just 1.04% living outside the country.