Waldorf, Minnesota Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you live in Waldorf City, you might be wondering about the population and steets. In the following paragraphs, you'll find information about the people and neighborhoods in Waldorf. This data is provided by the Bureau of the Census. Using data from various sources, the Bureau determines the percentage of residents living below the poverty line. According to the most recent estimates, there were 569 residents who live below the poverty line. The most common racial group to be living below the poverty line in Waldorf was Black. The second most common racial group to be living below the poverty line in Waldorf is White. The third largest racial group to be living below the poverty line is Two Or More.

According to the Bureau of Census Bureau, 66% of people older than 25 live in Waldorf. Nearly one-fourth of this population has a bachelor's degree. There are three primary industries in Waldorf: health care, retail, and public administration. These three sectors account for 24% of the labor force. Sales represent about 10% of the total population of Waldorf. The average annual salary of a worker in Waldorf is $99K. That's $6,000 more than the average Maryland and national residents.

The demographics of Waldorf City are important for marketing campaigns. The population is made up of predominantly white residents (49%) and blacks and Hispanics (6%). A quarter of residents own a home, and the average household income in Waldorf is $80,436. Additionally, people in Waldorf have a high school education average of 80%, with approximately half dropping out of college.