Burnsville, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you want to find out the population of Burnsville City, Minnesota, you have come to the right place. The city is one of the 29322 places in the United States and is located in the metro area. In fact, it's the 48th most populous city in the country, behind only Austin, Texas. Its population is reported in raw head counts, while its population density is the number of residents per square mile.

In the early 1900s, Burnsville was considered a far-off city, with little to no access to downtown Minneapolis. Eventually, the city was built along the Minnesota River and filled the last remaining vacant land with upscale residential stock and apartment complexes. In the 2000s, a redevelopment effort produced numerous four-story residential buildings in the city. The city's population peaked at 583 in 1950.

In addition to its two theaters, Burnsville also has other entertainment options. The Burnsville Performing Arts Center hosts professional theater performances throughout the year. There are also art galleries where local and regional artists showcase their work. The city also has 79 parks, including Burnsville Skate Park, which is open for the public during summertime. And if you're looking for a place to go ice skating, Burnsville has two professionally-run rinks.

Regardless of the reason you're looking for information about the people in Burnsville City, you can use this tool to help you make an informed decision about the future of the city. You can find out a lot about the city's history and the people who live there. It's a great way to learn about your new home city. It can be as beautiful as it is functional. There's a lot to see in Burnsville, so take advantage of it.