Cruger, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Cruger City is diverse. While the majority of the residents are white, there is a small minority of African American and Hispanic people in the city. The median household income in the city is $21,957, and the average household income is $35,555. Most people in Cruger have graduated high school, and 53% of residents have obtained a bachelor's degree or higher. About half of all college graduates in the city have dropped out, and only a few completed a master's degree.

The average annual income in Cruger, MS is $18,750, which is less than the median income of $65,712 in the U.S. The median income in Cruger, MS decreased from $20,781 in 2018 to $18,750 in 2019, which is a decrease of 9.77%. There are 151 people employed in the local economy, with Manufacturing employing 45 percent of the area's workforce. Retail trade employs 11 percent of the city's workforce, while Educational Services accounts for another 9%.

The median property value in Cruger, MS is $40,900. This is lower than the national median of $240,500. Residents in Cruger, MS own their homes, with a median of two cars per household. Cruger, MS is home to a majority of U.S. citizens. In addition to homeownership, 58 percent of the population lives in a house. The majority of residents commute by car, with a 26-minute average. Nearly a third of residents in Cruger, MS own a car, and drive to work.