Diamondhead, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

If you're looking to move to the area, you may want to check out the population & steets in Diamondhead City, NC. This small town has a population of 9,529 people. The city has a total area of 11.7 square miles, 29 square kilometers, and 0.4 square miles of water. Diamondhead is home to a variety of residents, including both residents and day visitors.

The median household income of $65,035 in Diamondhead, MS is lower than the national average, at $71,411. However, it is higher than the state's average of $39,310. Another indicator of income inequality in Diamondhead, MS is that employees have longer commutes to work than the average person in the US. In fact, 6.75% of the residents of Diamondhead, MS have super commutes, compared to just under half of the national average.

The ZIP code 39525 in Diamondhead, Mississippi is designated as "DIAMONDHEAD, MS". The USPS uses this default designation for all cities in the same state. As such, most people call Diamondhead by its default name, which is D. In 2020, the population is expected to grow to 4,5,699 people. There are several libraries in Diamondhead, Mississippi. The city's library listing gives the name, address, and ZIP code of each location.

The population of Diamondhead City is composed of a variety of ethnic groups. People are White, Black, and African-American. The majority of residents report English as their primary language. Other important languages spoken in Diamondhead include Polish and Spanish. These data are important in comparing different communities and areas to determine their needs. Persoans in the area will be able to easily find a suitable school in Diamondhead.