Duck Hill, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What is the population and streets of Duck Hill City, Texas? Duck Hill is a highly diverse town. The largest racial or ethnic group is African-American, while the rest of the population is White. Many people in Duck Hill report having ancestries from Ireland and England. English is the most commonly spoken language, although French and African languages are also spoken. There are also several important job groups, including those in production and office jobs.

The population of Duck Hill is comprised of approximately 1,760 people, and has experienced 44.1% growth since 2020. Residents are proud to be US citizens, with a commute time of about 27 minutes. The median home price is $78,400, and the appreciation over the past ten years is -1.8%. For all of these reasons, it is important to find a home in Duck Hill.

The average salary for high school teachers in Duck Hill is $0 per year. The number of high school students in Duck Hill is approximately 0.

While the crime rate is below the national average, Duck Hill does have a low rate. Most of the population is concentrated around the major airports and recreational areas, so crime rates may appear higher than they actually are. Nevertheless, crime happens where people congregate, and that includes parks and recreational areas. And while you can't predict where a neighborhood will get violent, Duck Hill has a low crime rate compared to many surrounding cities.