Falkner, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You might have a few questions about the population of Falkner City, Mississippi. Here are some facts that you should know about the city. The population of Falkner City is 565 people of voting age. Males make up 47.6% of the population, and females make up 52.4%. The median age in Falkner is 31.4 years. The median age is also less than the national average of 37.9 years. The median age in Falkner is slightly lower than the national average, at 31.7%. The per capita income is $16,946. A little bit of information is useful when making decisions about the city.

This city is home to Pinnacle Springs, a mineral spring located in northeast Faulkner County. Pinnacle Springs first sprang up in 1880, and the town's population grew exponentially. The town's first college was established in 1885, and the first graduating class graduated in 1890. However, like many towns in the United States, Pinnacle Springs faded away at about the same pace as it grew.

Faulkner County is home to Conway, Arkansas' seventh-largest city. Many residents commute into nearby Pulaski County to work in the state's largest city. The county has 1,317 farms, covering almost 225,000 acres. The farms in the county raise beef cattle and hogs, with dairy cows thriving in the northern part of the county. A brief history of the county's economy is available in Faulkner County's Official History.