Forkville, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You can check the Population & Steets in Forckville City to find out what the city's population looks like. There are many different factors to consider when choosing a place to live. Here are some facts about Forkville, Pennsylvania to help you decide if this is the right city for you. Moreover, the climate in Forkville City is one of the most important factors to consider.

Forksville is a town in Sullivan County, Pennsylvania. The city has a population of 153 people, and it is the fourth-most populous town in the county. Elkland township, which is also located in the same county, has a population of 476 people. Forksville was founded 228 years ago. Its population is expected to increase by the year 2020.

The median income in Forkville, Pennsylvania is $26,573. It is the second-highest in the state, after Eagles Mere. The median age is 64.5. Forksville has about the same number of people as the United States, and it is slightly larger than the Pennsylvania average. Forkville is also protected by a volunteer fire company, which protects the community from fires.

The average number of crimes in Forkville varies between 18616 and 18768. Among residents, the rate is high in the night, while the crime rate is low in daytime. Because Forksville has few retail establishments, a large proportion of crimes occur in areas with few people. While red areas are dangerous for residents, they may be harmless to daytime visitors. A crime rate map that shows a high number of crimes in a city may not be necessarily be indicative of a safe place to live.