Guntown, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Have you ever wondered how many people live in Guntown, MS? Here are the answers to this question: What is the population of Guntown City? How many people are in Guntown's streets? How many crime victims can you expect in Guntown? If you want to find out where the most crime is committed, you can check out the city's crime map. Compared to other cities, Guntown has a lower crime rate than neighboring areas.

The median home value in Guntown, MS is $82,308. The median age is 31 years old. The median household size is two and a half people. The median household income is $63,056. The city has a population of 2.73k residents. There are 61 non-Hispanic people living in Guntown. The city has a low poverty rate of 0.58%.

The city is a good place to raise a family. The public school system is highly rated, and the majority of residents own single-family homes. The crime rate in Guntown is one of the lowest in the country, although public transportation is lacking. In addition, the town's lack of a public transportation system means that it is an excellent choice for young families. So, what are the advantages of Guntown?

The median household income in Guntown, MS is $63,056. This is significantly lower than the national median of $65,712 for both men and women. This is largely due to the lower income disparity. Guntown's economy includes a number of industries. The largest industries in the city are Manufacturing (260 employees), Utilities (5386 employees), and Health Care & Social Assistance (16 people). The median household income in Guntown is $63,056.