Harrisville, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the population of Harrisville City, Tennessee? It is 69.4% white, 11.6% black or African American, and 0.4% American Indian or Alaska Native. The rest of the population is made up of 8.4% Asian, 3.0% Vietnamese, and 0.9% Chinese. The rest of the population is divided between three categories: white collar, blue collar, and non-Hispanic. Fortunately for all, Harrisville is a safe place to live and work.

Among the citizens of Harrisville, most work in manufacturing or construction. Retail and finance jobs make up nearly forty percent of the population. The health care industry employs a mere five percent of the entire population. Overall, Harrisville has a lower unemployment rate than other parts of the state. The weather in Harrisville is pleasant for a good part of the year. The city receives less precipitation than most, making it a comfortable place to live.

The city has an average household size of 2.36 and a median home value of $216,975. The poverty rate is around 4%. Despite the large number of residents, there are low levels of poverty. The median age is 33.4 years old, and the city's percentage of African-Americans is 1%. In terms of race and ethnicity, Harrisville has a majority of white people, while about one in five people are black.

The town's settlement dates back to 1760. The first log home was built by Urban Stewart, 300 yards from the settlement chapel. Harrisville was organized as a precinct in 1863 and was connected to two railroads. It was incorporated as a town in April of 1962, after two railroad lines had already crossed the town. The town's Victorian-era mills still stand.