Kokomo, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What's the Population & Steets of Kokomo City, Indiana? This question will be answered in this article. Here are some facts to help you decide. In the city of Kokomo, Indiana, the population is around 61,038. Most residents are married, have at least one child, and make an average income. There are a number of small businesses in Kokomo, too, making it easy to find a job.

The majority of the population - 63,066 people - works in manufacturing, making it a thriving community with many small businesses. Unfortunately, the recession and subsequent downturn have had a detrimental effect on the city's employment situation. The automotive industry is responsible for much of the city's financial troubles. Despite these challenges, the city is now investing in beautification projects to make its downtown area a more pleasant place to live.

The city has a moderately-sized population, with a white, black, and Asian majority. The commute to work is reasonable, at about 18 minutes, and the average income per person is $28,878. There are some low-income areas, but most people make enough money to support themselves. The crime rate is a bit higher than the state average, but it is far lower than the national average.

Kokomo is part of the Kokomo Metropolitan Area, which contains the towns of Tipton and Howard. According to the US Census Bureau, the Kokomo area has a total population of 101,220. Kokomo is the only city in Indiana with a median real estate price that is below the state average. In addition, the median home price to household income ratio is 16% lower than the state average.