Louin, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

You've probably heard of Louin City, but do you know what makes it different? Here is information on the town's demographics, and a look at the racial makeup. Residents are reported to be of many different racial groups. Many report being of White, African-American, German, Irish, English, and Swiss ancestry. While English is the most commonly spoken language in Louin, residents also speak Polish and Italian.

According to the latest Census figures, there are 237 people residing in Louin. The median household income is $40,833, and the poverty rate is 0%. Despite the low poverty rate, the community is not without its problems. There are numerous evictions each year, and a high number of them can signify a deteriorating economy. Listed below are some of the key facts about Louin City, MS.

The town's population is a measure of its growth potential. Generally, population booms occur when economic and social development are making good progress. In 1910, the population of Louin was 523, and has increased to 277 in 2010 - an average of 3.64% per year. The biggest increase occurred between the years 2000 and 2010 (which was the fastest growth rate in Alabama), and the lowest from 523 to 475.

The median income for a family of Louin is $29,583, and the median income for a single person is $21,494. A couple with two children is also considered a low-income household. There are also many children in Louin, MS, so the city's income statistics may be misleading. Nevertheless, the city's poverty rate is lower than that of its neighboring cities, Richland and New Augusta.