Marks, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Interested in knowing the Population & Steets of Marks City, Mississippi? You've come to the right place! Marks City, Mississippi, is a small, rural community located in Quitman County. The population was 1,408 at the 2010 census and the area was 1.0 square miles (2.6 km2). Home values in Marks City have increased by 0.0% in the past decade, and the median home price is $82,600.

In 2019 the population of Marks, MS was approximately 1.75k, up 0.747% from the previous year. The median property value in Marks, MS was $67,800, and the homeownership rate was 69.4%. Approximately 97% of Marks' population is U.S. citizens, and the median household income was $28,698. The median commute time was 27.1 minutes. Marks' population makeup is mostly African American (77.6%) and White (0.228%), with a total of a little more than two cars per household.

In terms of income, males earn $59,310 per year in Mississippi. This is significantly less than the national average. Marks, MS's median annual income is $28,698 and has increased by 0.71% since 2018. While the median income in Marks, MS is below the national average, it still has more than twice as much wealth per capita than the national average. In addition to median household income, other important characteristics of Marks include its low population density (less than 1% of the local population).