Merigold, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Population and steets in Merigold City, MS are listed below. You can also view a map of Merigold City, MS. These statistics were compiled using data from the U.S. Census Bureau. You can also view Merigold's history and population by browsing through its historical newspapers. While Merigold is a small town in southeast Mississippi, its citizens are a diverse bunch. For example, it has Italian, French, European, and African ancestry.

In Merigold, Mississippi, the population is 329 people of voting age. The percentage of people who live below the poverty line is 13.1%. The percentage of elderly people who live in Merigold is also high: 13.3%. The unemployment rate in Merigold is 2.5% for workers age 16 and older, while the percentage of government workers is 28.6%. The median household income is $43,667.

The official USPS name for this zip code is MERIGOLD, MS. This city is located in Bolivar County. This zip code is often referred to by its default name. The population is estimated to reach 4,5,699 by the year 2020. For more information on the city and its people, visit the Merigold - School page. This page contains information about local schools and the local library.