Morgan City, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Trying to determine the Population & Steets in Morgan State City? Here are some facts. The city has a population of 10,512 people, and the percentage of foreign born residents is almost the same as that of native born residents. The median age in Morgan City is 39.5 years, and it is slightly older than the national average. Homes in Morgan City cost an average of $128,500, and home appreciation has averaged 2.1% over the past 10 years.

The most common income ranges in the city are the same as those of the rest of Louisiana, and Hickory Street has the highest percentage of non-family households. In Morgan City, however, family households make up 55.6% of all households and non-family households make up 44.8%. In Morgan City, the median household income range is $20,349, and the highest income tier is $60,000.

The percentage of non-Hispanic White residents is 88.3%, and the population of black or African-American non-Hispanic residents is 7.6%. Hispanics make up 11.6% of the total population. The rest of the population is White. The average income is about $27 per hour. Listed below are Morgan City's Race & Steets. While Morgan City is mostly white, there are many people of Hispanic heritage, which makes this area an ethnically diverse one.

The population of Morgan City was a mix of young and old people. Twenty-nine percent of households were under 18 years of age, and 16.8% were composed of married couples. One-fifth of the households was non-family, while 27.4% of households contained individuals. Ten percent of the households contained someone 65 years old. The median age was 36 years. Males outnumbered females ninety-one percent.