Newhebron, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the Population & Steets of Newhebron City? New Hebron is a city in Mississippi. Its population is 413 and is growing by 35.3% in the past decade. The median home value is $81,300 and home appreciation has been -2.2% over the past ten years. You may also want to consider moving to New Hebron if you are considering buying a home in this city.

The population of New Hebron is estimated at 447 as of the 2010 census. As of the 2020 census, the population of New Hebron is expected to be 413. Its median household income is $49,792. In terms of racial makeup, the city is primarily White (Non-Hispanic) with a percentage of Two+ (Non-Hispanic) of 1.1%. Only 1.66% of the population of New Hebron is hispanic, and it serves a largely white and middle-class neighborhood.

The percentage of New Hebron residents that are US citizens is 100%. The percentage is higher than the national average of 99.5%, and it is much higher than the average for the neighboring and parent geographies. The most common occupations in New Hebron are management, office and administrative support, and food preparation & serving related jobs. If you want to learn more about New Hebron, MS, you can learn more about its history and its people.

The Jewish community of Hebron is governed by a committee that is made up of members of the Interior and Defense Ministries. It consists of the Interior Ministry and Defense ministries and functions like a regular local council in Israel. The Jewish community is also managed by an association in Hebron called the Association for the Renewal of the Jewish Community of Hebron. The association is financed from the state budget and private contributions. It works on the general development of the Jewish community.