Perkinston, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

Listed below are the Population & Steets of Perkinston City, MS. These statistics can help you plan your trip and get a feel for the area. You can use this information when looking up other towns or cities nearby. You may also be interested in knowing the number of whites and blacks living in Perkinston. This data is updated frequently, so make sure to check back often.

Crime in Perkinston is high. Compared to other nearby cities, this city has a higher than average crime rate. Crime rates in Perkinston are higher than the national average, but these numbers are inflated because of the number of retail establishments in the city. This can make the crime map look inflated, but it does not mean that the city is in danger of being unsafe for its residents.

The population of 39573 is mainly white. It is home to a large number of single adults and young adults. The number of families is large, but the number of vacancies is smaller than average. The area has one or more universities nearby. As a result, this area is a good choice for college students. The demographics of Perkinston are attractive to businesses that require large quantities of lumber.