Pheba, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

What are the population and steets of Pheba City? A city with a low crime rate is a safer place to live than many other places in the US. Here are some crime stats for Pheba City. Crime rates aren't always straightforward to compare, however. One simple map of crime rates shows that Pheba has 11 crimes per year, while the southeast has none.

The population and steets of Pheba, MS is not listed here. However, you can find nearby cities using a city search tool. The list will help you plan a road trip or to explore the city. You can even find cities that are about four hours away from Pheba. You can also use this list to find cities that are closest to Pheba.

The majority race in Pheba is white. As per the US census, people who live in Pheba identify as African-American, White, or Black. The most common ancestry is English. Other important languages spoken in Pheba include West Germanic and African languages. Pheba is an extremely ethnically diverse town. Its residents identify as belonging to many different racial groups, including Whites, Blacks, and Asians.