Potts Camp, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

This article will provide you with the population and steets of Potts Camp City. You will learn how the city's population compares with that of other cities in Mississippi. For example, the average family size is 2.7 people. However, Abbeville's average family size is 4.0. To better understand how the town compares to other cities in Mississippi, consider the average age of its residents.

The population of Potts Camp is only 416 people. There is only one neighborhood in the city. As far as size goes, the city is the 227th largest in the state of Mississippi. Although house values in Potts Camp are among the lowest in the state, they don't compare well with those in the most expensive communities in the United States. You may be wondering, "Do I need a college degree to buy a home in Potts Camp?"

The population of Potts Camp is relatively stable in comparison to other cities in the area. The city is home to a large number of retirees and a young population. The overall median age of Potts Camp residents is 49.5. This is slightly below the median age of nearby Holly Springs, which is 60.7. The population density of Potts Camp is below the national average.

The percentage of non-white residents in Potts Camp is low compared to other Mississippi cities. This city is home to 9.2% of non-white residents and 11.4% of white people. This city is home to 0.3% American Indians and a small percentage of Asians. The unemployment rate is low and the median monthly rent is $738. As a whole, the median income for Potts Camp, Mississippi is $738.