Vancleave, Mississippi Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

The population of Vancleave, MS is 4,614 people, and there are 194 Black or African American residents living in the city. The area also has a small population of American Indians and Alaska Natives. There is no significant Hispanic population in Vancleave. The median age of the population is 34 years. The percentage of people living in poverty in the city is zero percent, but it varies by racial and ethnicity.

The average commute time for people in Vancleave is 38 minutes. That is higher than the Mississippi state average of 29.7%, and it is lower than the average for the United States. About 30% of residents commute by car, and 30% use public transportation. Walking is not as popular. However, there are several ways to get around Vancleave. Residents can enjoy a lively bar scene, visit the local grocery store, or shop at the electronics and appliance stores.

The population of Vancleave City is 5,592 people. It is made up of five neighborhoods. The community is located in Mississippi's 63rd largest county. House prices are relatively high in this town, but are not nearly as high as in the most expensive cities in the U.S. While the town is not a large city, the median house value in Vancleave is $172,400.

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has designated Vancleave as its ZIP code. The city is also called by the same default name: Vancleave. The population is estimated to be 4,5,699 by 2020. A population map for Vancleave can be found below. It also includes information on schools, libraries, and museums. It is important to note that this information is provided for reference purposes only.