If you are wondering about the population and steets of Arcola City, TX, you've come to the right place. Here you will find the latest statistics and information on Arcola's people. This Texas city is home to over 2.44k people, which is a growth of 9.9% from last year. Its median household income increased by 22.8% from $44,570 to $54,750 from the previous year. The city's residents are primarily White (Hispanic) (62.1%) and American Indian, Native Hawaiian, and Other Pacific Islander.
While Arcola's population is generally low, the area surrounding parks and major airports is home to relatively high crime rates. Because very few residents live near these areas, crime rates can appear to be higher than they are. As a general rule, crime happens where people gather. So you may be better off living near a park or major airport. Aside from the statistics and crime rates, you can also take the time to explore Arcola's many cultural and recreational attractions.
The Arcola city map shows the percentage of residents in various races. The map shows which race is the most prevalent, with darker shades indicating higher racial representation. The page also provides data on the percentage of minorities and white residents. The data on Arcola's diversity is updated annually by the U.S. Census Bureau. However, you shouldn't rely on this information as it is not completely accurate.