If you're looking for the population and steets of Armstrong City, Texas, you've come to the right place. These numbers will tell you everything you need to know about the city. There are 840 residents, and the population is 0% urban, 100% rural. Most residents are male (49.4%), while the rest are female (33.0%). There are also a number of notable statistics that can be useful for real estate investors.
The population of Armstrong is 841, down 6.0% since the year 2020. The average commute time is 16.7 minutes, compared to 26.4 minutes for the national average. The average home price is $66,500, and home appreciation over the last decade has been 3.9%. The city has a low poverty rate, so it's important to do your homework before purchasing a home. The median home price in Armstrong is $66,500.
Evictions are rare in Armstrong, but it's important to look at the percentage of people who are struggling to pay their rent. Some addresses may have multiple eviction cases a year, but these are significantly lower than in the neighboring towns of Ottosen, Orleans, and Renwick. This suggests that people in Armstrong are more affluent than the people in the nearby communities.
The city is served by the Jefferson City Airport, which is the state's third busiest airport. It has a $30,500,000 real estate assessment, following a general state practice of 30% of assessed value versus the actual value. The city has 335 retail establishments, 70 wholesale firms, and 120 industrial firms. The population is 82% of the surrounding counties. And the city's major employers are manufacturers and transportation companies, including the St. Louis and San Francisco railroads.