If you're looking for information on the population of Bell City, MO, you've come to the right place. Here you'll find information about the population, including its racial makeup and job sector breakdown. Listed below are the most common occupations in Bell City, MO, along with their associated salaries. Click on a category below to see more detailed information. There's also information on the area's economic status, including its unemployment rate and housing affordability.
The population and steets of Bell City are estimated to be around 73,700 residents. The population is a dynamic community with a diverse mix of businesses and interests. You can view the latest population and steets data from the 2010 US Census. The demographics are based on census data, so you'll find that Bell has a wide range of economic and demographic characteristics.
The population of Bell City varies, and some neighborhoods are more dangerous than others. Areas near major airports and parks are likely to have higher crime rates than those closer to residential areas. Be aware that the crime map for Bell City can make the city seem overly dramatic. Despite the lack of retail spaces, crime does occur. But that doesn't mean that Bell City residents should feel unsafe. In some areas, crime does happen, so it's better to be safe than sorry.
The median property value in Bell City, MO is $41,800. This number is about 0.1174 times lower than the national average. This city's homeownership rate is 62 percent. The median household income in Bell City, MO is $28,333. And about 0% of the population is hispanic. The city is home to 479 White people. However, there are also a lot of people who speak two or more languages at home, including Native Americans and Asians.