The population of Belle City is spread out. The median age was 36.6 years. There were 196 households with children under the age of eighteen living in them. The average household size was 2.35 people, with 27.1 percent of the population being over the age of 65. There were a total of 104 households with two or more adults living in them. The gender breakdown of Belle City is roughly 50.7% male and 49.3% female.
Belle, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More
- June Lee Devine
- Tim C Devine
- Tim Joseph Devine
- Tiffany Joann Devine
- T Devine
- Timothy Joseph Devine
- Timothy C Devine
- Rodney Owen Dobson
- Victor Young
- Katherine Sue Young
- Neil Terwilliger
- Brian Richard Doss
- Angela Marie Doss
- J Doss
- William Brice Doss
- Nicholas Adam Daugherty
- Kimberly Breanne Daugherty
- Richard E Daugherty
- Bill Joseph Duke
- Judy Lynn Duke
- Teresa Lynne Wicks
- Michelle L Guinn
- Kimberly Cates
- Ashley Jean Perkins
- Tonya S Price
- Teresa Lynne Price
- Debbie Marie Phillips
- Sue S Shanks
- Sue Shanks
- C S Shanks
- C S Shanks
- Susan Shanks
- Deborah Marie Jennings
- M Sellers
- Chris James Sellers
- Chris James Sellers
- Christopher M Sellers
- Christopher M Sellers
- J Rhoads
- Joshua Dewayne Rhoads