Are you looking for information about the Population & Steets in Beier City? The population of Bevier, MO is approximately 702 people. Of these people, 100% are citizens of the United States. This town has a high homeownership rate - at 80.7%, the city has more homeowners than any other Missouri city. Most people in Bevier, MO drive to work alone. The average commute time was about 23.3 minutes. The median number of cars owned by residents was two. And, only 0.712% of the population is hispanic.
The population of Bevier is comprised of 568 voters. The gender makeup of the city is roughly equal, with 43.7% of citizens being female and 57% being male. The median home sales price is $28,395. This city has a very low unemployment rate and is relatively affordable for homeowners. Regardless of where you live, you can easily get a detailed report on any property address in Bevier, MO.
The median annual income of the households in Bevier, MO is $37,857. This is less than the national average of $65,712 for women. In Bevier, MO, the largest industries are Retail Trade, Health Care & Social Assistance, and Manufacturing. Of those, Construction and Utilities are the highest paying. You might be surprised to know that the median income of the city is below the national average.