The following is a list of information about Boonville, NY's population and steets. It provides a snapshot of the city's demographics and the average household income in Boonville. The city is home to around 840 people. Its most prominent industries are Health Care & Social Assistance, Manufacturing, and Retail Trade. The highest paying industries are Finance & Insurance, Construction, and Manufacturing.
The boundaries of Boonville City are based on a grid plan that stretches from NW to SE. The city is located at the intersection of State Highway 61 North 3rd Street. The map shows that Boonville was established in 1850. The city is located in the southwest corner of Indiana County. In the past, the town was the home of a brewery, Motel Manor. The Indiana State - License Branch Auto - Boonville branch is located at 713 North Third Street. Several prominent residents of the town have included Governor of Illinois John Riley Tanner, biologist Robert G. Roeder, and screenwriter Monte M. Katterjohn. The median house value is below the state average, the black population is below the state average, and the percentage of foreign-born residents is below that of the state.
The colored population of Boonville fares well in comparison to other colored areas in Missouri. The city's colored school, "Grow or Go," encourages laggards to work outside of school hours. These jobs make children better scholars, and the forced work is more of a benefit than a hindrance. The motto of the school "Grow or Go," is also a testament to the success of Boonville's colored school.