If you're looking for information on Browning City, Montana, you've come to the right place. The following information will provide you with important facts about the city. First, you'll learn about the demographics of Browning's population. The city has a total of 671 voters of voting age. There are 49.9% men and 50.1% women. About 9.9% of residents are 65 or older. The most common races among Browning residents are American Indian, 4.0% white, and 0.3% Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander.
As of 2016, the population of Browning is 1,014 - a small decrease from 1990. In 1990, the city had a total population of 1,156. Its population rank ranked it as the 9,134th largest city in the United States. However, in 2020, it is expected to rank 10,237th, a drop of 4.4%. Meanwhile, 60% of similarly sized cities are growing faster than Browning.