Bucyrus, Missouri Statistic: Population, Charts, Map, Steets and More

When you are planning a vacation to Ohio, you might want to know more about the population and steets in Bucyrus City. This article will give you the details about the demographics of Bucyrus. The population in Bucyrus is approximately 83,357 people, which makes it a moderately sized town. There are about nineteen pilots and seven airmen living in Bucyrus.

The average housing value in Bucyrus is $79,800, which is a drop from the previous year. The homeownership rate is 61.8%, which means that most residents live in their own house. Most residents commute to work by car, with 19.7 minutes of travel time. While the overall population is fairly stable, the percentage of renter-occupied housing units is considerably higher than the national average. In Bucyrus, OH, there are two cars per household.

Although the population of Bucyrus is low, it is still considered one of the most affordable cities in Ohio. This town is located just 58 miles from the capital, Columbus, and is part of the Mansfield metropolitan area. The city was first settled by Samuel Norton in 1817, after which it was a rural hardwood forest. The name, "Bucyrus", is actually a combination of "Bu" and Cyrus the Great.

If you're looking for the city's population statistics, you can use the US Census Bureau. The Census Bureau publishes data on population, steets, and more. The most recent census data is available on the city's Wikipedia page. Alternatively, you can look up the city's population on a map to see which blocks are most densely populated. The population of Bucyrus is also provided by the U.S. Census Bureau, which can be found at https://www.gov/geographic.