The population of Calhoun City is 1,477 people. There are no other town's similar in size to Calhoun City. The town was founded in 1905 when the Dixie-Herald moved to the new town. Calhoun City grew, but the railroad took its toll on Pittsboro. J. Walter Jacobs, editor of the Calhoun Clipper, moved his newspaper to Calhoun City. The paper was unsuccessful, but J. Walter Jacobs' efforts to establish it were successful.
The percentage of households in Calhoun City is 50%, which is the largest in Mississippi. The area is also home to many homeowners, which may be an indicator of your target audience. Lastly, home ownership is an important factor for assessing your target market. This data can help you target your marketing efforts based on the demographics of your targeted market. Listed below are some important demographics of Calhoun City.
In 2019, the median age of Calhoun City, MS residents was 36.7. This figure includes both native-born citizens and foreign-born residents. This age group is getting older. The median age in Calhoun City, MS was 36 in 2018. In 2019, the majority of foreign-born residents in Mississippi were born in Mexico. Second-placed countries included Vietnam, which had 3,866 residents. For more information on Calhoun City, MS, visit our website at:
When comparing murder rates in Calhoun City, it is important to consider the area around a major airport or park. While the crime rate may be higher near busy areas like the airport, many people don't live near recreational areas. Crime happens where people congregate. If you're not sure how to find a low-crime area in Calhoun City, check out our partner Vivint. You can also request a free quote with Vivint.