If you're wondering what the population of Camden Point is like, it's a great idea to look at the city's population data. The city is home to roughly 3,000 residents. There are also several nearby communities, such as Linwood and Birmingham, with each city having a different population and a slightly different housing stock. The following table shows the population of Camden Point by neighborhood and by ward.
There are 366 people of voting age living in Camden Point, Missouri. The majority of Camden Point residents are white. The median age is 31.6. The highest income level in the city is $50,000. Nearly 94 percent of the city's residents are white, while 2.9% are Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. Approximately one percent of the population identifies as Hispanic.
The U.S. Census Bureau's most recent American Community Survey released a number of demographic statistics for Camden Point. The city's population has increased by 6.7% since the last census, according to the US Census Bureau. The most recent data are from 2016 and the United States Bureau can't guarantee completeness or accuracy. Nonetheless, these data should be used in conjunction with other sources of data.
The median household income is $228,591. A one-bedroom apartment will cost you about $740 a month. The climate of Camden Point can also affect your personal preferences. The average temperature, humidity, number of cloudy days, and wind speeds are some factors that can influence your decision to live in this city. If you plan on staying in Camden Point for a long period of time, it's worth exploring the city's climate before making your final decision.