When you are looking for population and steets in Cassville City, you will find some useful information in this article. Cassville is in Missouri, United States. Below you will find information about the nearest major cities and their distance from Cassville. If you want to get in touch with the local government, you can contact the administration through the information below. Alternatively, you can also view the city's satellite image.
The population of Cassville is 104.7% white, with a tiny fraction of Hispanic people. This is on the low end compared to other places in the area. You can also find information on the median household income (35,048), which is $45,816. There are also some interesting statistics on education in Cassville. Nearly 80% of Cassville residents have attended high school, and there are about 53% of those who have not.
Drug-related crime is common in Cassville, and the number of such crimes per resident is about the same as in surrounding cities. However, the city is safer than other cities of the same size, as indicated in the table below. Crime rates in Cassville are lower than the national and Missouri state average. However, drug-related crimes are more common in central Cassville than in its northwestern area.
The population of Cassville is approximately 3,220 people. Cassville's median household income is $38,616. In terms of economic indicators, the city's poverty rate is about three percent. The city has a low unemployment rate, which is indicative of a low cost of living. In addition, the median home cost is $115,200, and the city's home appreciation over the last decade has been about 3.6%.