In the table below, you'll find information about the population and theft rates in Clark City, Missouri. While comparing the crime rate in the city with the national average can be difficult, it is at least a rough guide to the safety of Clark City. In comparison to other cities of comparable size and population, Clark City is safer than the state average. And if you're wondering where you should avoid, here are a few places to consider:
QuickFacts offers data from the U.S. Census Bureau. The data are rebased to reflect the latest population estimates. The census block data and other statistical data sources are used to calculate the population and the number of households in Clark City. The data for Clark City is updated regularly. To find out the most recent population figures, look up a city by zip code or address. You'll find a number of public resources online.
The population of the new Clark will be 1.2 million. The city will be divided into five districts, each with a specific purpose. The urban plan will prioritize environmental sustainability and climate resilience. New Clark will be elevated at a minimum of 184 feet, with two-thirds of its land reserved for green space. Buildings will be built using advanced technology for energy and water consumption. Driverless cars will be commonplace, and the city will also have a giant sports stadium and agro-industrial park.