The population of Clarksburg, Maryland is approximately 20,441 people. The majority of the population is White, although about 34% is Hispanic. Eighty-four percent of the population is married, with nearly twenty-one percent of those residents having children under the age of eighteen. Most people in Clarksburg are employed in one of the three most common occupations - Sales & Related Occupations, Office & Administrative Support Occupations, and Management Occupations. The median home price in Clarksburg is $68,300, and over the past decade, it has appreciated by 3.4%.
In 2010, there were 11,209 households in Clarksburg. This is about the same as the national average. However, some parts of the city are more affluent than others. As a result, Clarksburg has a lower poverty rate than its neighboring cities, including Ashburn and Leesburg. The median monthly gross rent in Clarksburg City was $2,304, making it an affordable place to live for most people.
There are a number of different ways to find out about the local population in Clarksburg. There is a daily newspaper in the city, as well as three local television stations. You can also get to Clarksburg by air at the Benedum Airport, which serves Bridgeport. One of the largest events held in the city is the West Virginia Italian Heritage Festival, which draws thousands of people to the city every Labor Day weekend.