The City of Clever, Missouri is located in Christian County, Missouri, United States. The city has a population of 2,381 people and the median household income is $49,589. There are also a number of notable institutions that call Clever home. This is where the population is broken down by ethnicity, racial, and religious affiliation. You can learn more about these institutions and their services in Clever by checking out their websites.
The percentage of people living in poverty in Clever, Missouri is 9.9%. The highest percentage is found in the group of people who are 65 years old and older. The average household income is $45,565 per year, which is well below the poverty line. The rate of child poverty is 9.5%, and the lowest income group is 1%. However, there is a wide range of income levels.
The city's population is composed of both families and individuals. The population of Clever City includes 38,572 households. There are 2,227 institutionalized residents and 84 noninstitutionalized households. The median age is 39 years. The gender ratio is 82.7:1 for females, and 77.7 for males. Compared to the average population in other cities, Clever City is a good choice for young professionals.