The Demographics of Clinton City include the Population & Steets in Clinton, New York. The Clinton area has a population of 21,210 people, with a density of 3,576 residents per square mile. While this is above the national average, Clinton is less racially diverse than most other cities. The average age of Clinton's residents is thirty, well below the national average. This city is home to many families with children and many older people.
The primary trade area of Clinton is approximately 126,000 people, making the city an excellent location for residential and business development. The Clinton School District strives to make all students succeed in academics by nurturing their social and personal growth. This is done through an integrated approach to education, supporting students academically and preparing them for life in a modern society. This is a comprehensive educational system that is open to all students and meets the diverse needs of its residents.
The median real estate price in Clinton is $192,200, which is 14.4% lower than the Utah average. The median home price to income ratio in Clinton is 2.6, which is considerably lower than the state average. A home price to income ratio of at least 2.5 is also considered favorable. For this reason, the median rent in Clinton is $1,348 a month. Further, the Clinton housing market is very healthy.